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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - slate


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 »ROCK« a dark grey rock that can easily be split into flat thin pieces  (a slate mine) 2 »ON A ROOF« one of the small pieces of slate or similar material used for covering roofs  (There were several slates missing from the roof.) 3 slate blue/grey a dark grey or blue colour 4 »POLITICS« especially AmE a list of people that voters can choose in an election or that are being considered for an important job 5 put sth on the slate BrE old-fashioned to arrange to pay for something later, especially food or drink  (Two whiskies, and could you put them on the slate!) 6 »FOR WRITING ON« a small board in a wooden frame used for writing on in schools in former times  (- see also a clean slate clean1 (10), wipe the slate clean wipe1 (6)) ~2 v 1 BrE informal to criticize a book, film etc severely, especially in a newspaper  (Donkin's most recent novel has been slated by the critics.) 2 be slated especially AmE a) to be expected to succeed in getting a particular position or job  (be slated to be/do sth)  (Rogers is slated to be the Democratic candidate.) b) to be expected or planned to happen at a time in the future  (be slated for)  (The office buildings are slated for demolition next June.) - slated adj
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  (slates, slating, slated) 1. Slate is a dark grey rock that can be easily split into thin layers. Slate is often used for covering roofs. ... a stone-built cottage, with a traditional slate roof. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 2. A slate is one of the small flat pieces of slate that are used for covering roofs. N-COUNT 3. A slate is a list of candidates for an election, usually from the same party. The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote. = list N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. If something is slated to happen, it is planned to happen at a particular time or on a particular occasion. (mainly AM) Bromfield was slated to become U.S. Secretary of Agriculture... Controversial energy measures are slated for Senate debate within days. V-PASSIVE: be V-ed to-inf, be V-ed for n 5. If something is slated, it is criticized very severely. (BRIT JOURNALISM) Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new restaurant has been slated by a top food critic... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 6. If you start with a clean slate, you do not take account of previous mistakes or failures and make a fresh start. The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate. PHRASE 7. If you wipe the slate clean, you decide to forget previous mistakes, failures, or debts and to start again. Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again? PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English sclate, ~, from Anglo-French *esclat, from esclater to splinter, break off, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German zesleizzen, slizan to tear apart — more at slit  Date: 14th century  1. a piece of construction material (as laminated rock) prepared as a shingle for roofing and siding  2. a dense fine-grained metamorphic rock produced by the compression of various sediments (as clay or shale) so as to develop a characteristic cleavage  3. a tablet (as of ~) used for writing on  4.  a. a written or unwritten record (as of deeds) started with a clean ~  b. a list of candidates for nomination or election  5.  a. a dark purplish gray  b. any of various grays similar in color to common roofing ~s  • ~ adjective  • ~like adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; slating)  Date: 15th century  1. to cover with ~ or a ~like substance ~ a roof  2. to designate for a specified purpose or action ; schedule was ~d to direct the play  III. transitive verb  (~d; slating)  Etymology: probably alteration of 1slat  Date: 1825  1. to thrash or pummel severely  2. chiefly British to criticize or censure severely ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a fine-grained grey, green, or bluish-purple metamorphic rock easily split into flat smooth plates. 2 a piece of such a plate used as roofing-material. 3 a piece of such a plate used for writing on, usu. framed in wood. 4 the colour of slate. 5 US a list of nominees for office etc. --v.tr. 1 cover with slates esp. as roofing. 2 Brit. colloq. criticize severely; scold. 3 US make arrangements for (an event etc.). 4 US propose or nominate for office etc. --adj. made of slate. Phrases and idioms on the slate Brit. recorded as a debt to be paid. slate-blue (or -black) a shade of blue (or black) occurring in slate. slate-colour a dark bluish or greenish grey. slate-coloured of this colour. slate-grey a shade of grey occurring in slate. slate-pencil a small rod of soft slate used for writing on slate. wipe the slate clean forgive or cancel the record of past offences. Derivatives slating n. slaty adj. Etymology: ME s(c)late f. OF esclate, fem. form of esclat SLAT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сланец 2) натуральный шифер 3) кровельная плитка (обычно из натурального шифера) 4) крыть шифером 5) кфт. табличка хлопушки; тлв нумератор - asbestos slate - copper slate - electric slate - gable slate - lead slate - random slates - ridge slate - roofing slate - rustic slates - sized slates - strip slate - video slate ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  сланец асбестоцементная кровельная плитка, (асбо)шифер asbestos slate Buckingham slate clay slate glass slate Virginia slate ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  нумератор – video slate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) геол. аспидный 2) грифельная доска 3) грифельный 4) доска аспидная 5) сланец 6) электр. сланец аспидный 7) шифер slate split stave — колотая клепка бочки - slate tile - spindle slate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  полит. список кандидатов 1) Список кандидатов на выборные посты (особенно выдвинутых одной политической партией) 2) внесение кандидата в список политической партии ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. геол. аспидный сланец, шиферный сланец slate clay —- сланцевая глина 2. стр. шифер, шиферная плитка 3. грифельная доска a clean slate —- образ. безупречная репутация; чист как стеклышко; полный порядок (в делах) to start with a clean slate —- начинать все сначала, начинать новую жизнь to clean the slate —- полностью рассчитаться; покончить с прошлым 4. список, реестр 5. ам. список кандидатов (на выборах) 6. программа (состязаний) 7. синевато-серый цвет, аспидный цвет Id: to have a slate loose —- винтика не хватает, не все дома Id: to put on the slate —- записать в кредит 8. крыть шифером to slate a roof —- крыть крышу шифером 9. ам. заносить в список кандидатов he is slated for governor —- он внесен в список кандидатов на пост губернатора 10. ам. намечать, выдвигать для рассмотрения he is slated for promotion —- он намечен на выдвижение 11. назначать, намечать (на какое-либо время) the premiere was slated for January —- премьера была намечена на январь he is slated to leave Japan on January 10 —- его отъезд из Японии назначен на 10 января 12. мед. профес. "приговорить к смерти", признать безнадежным (больного) he is slated —- он безнадежен 13. разг. разгромная рецензия; разнос 14. разг. задать головомойку, дать нагоняй to slate a pupil —- распекать ученика 15. разг. устроить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) min. сланец, шифер; шиферная плита  2) грифельная доска  3) amer. список кандидатов (на выборах)  4) синевато-серый цвет a clean slate - безупречная репутация to have a slate loose - винтика не хватает to clean the slate, to wipe off the slate -  а) сбросить груз старых ошибок, заблуждений;  б) избавиться от всех старых обязательств  2. v.  1) крыть шиферными плитами  2) amer. выдвигать в кандидаты  3) заносить в список  4) coll. раскритиковать; выбранить  5) amer. планировать, намечать, назначать  6) coll. строго наказывать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  gen. comp. abbr. Second Level Architecture Test Environment educ. abbr. Strategic Learning And Teaching Environment educ. abbr. Service Leadership And Teambuilding Education ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: CLEAN SLATE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1340, from O.Fr. esclate, fem. of esclat "split piece, splinter" (see slat), so called because the rock splits easily into thin plates. As a color, first recorded 1882. Sense of "a writing tablet" (made of slate), first recorded late 14c., led to that of "list of candidates," first recorded 1842. The verb meaning "propose, schedule" is recorded from 1883; sense of "nominate" is attested from 1804. Clean slate (1868) originally refered to scores chalked up in a tavern. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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